• Question: What do you think your purpose is?

    Asked by anon-246290 to Megan, Katherine, Jesse, Dave, AJ, Amelia on 11 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Arjuna James

      Arjuna James answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      Deep question. I don’t know what my purpose is, but I know that I always want to be working on something fulfilling and always have a goal to move towards, that’s what gives me meaning.

    • Photo: Dave Constable

      Dave Constable answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I’m not sure what my purpose is. I try and approach everything in my life to do the best job I can. This can be my research, being a husband, being a father, doing the dishes, helping people.

    • Photo: Amelia Edwards

      Amelia Edwards answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      Big question! In terms of my life I think we are all here to just experience life in different ways.
      In terms of my job and career, honestly I would say my personal goal is to try and make sure I make enough money to be secure and enjoy my life whilst enjoying my job. I also enjoy feeling like I am making a small contribution to changing attitudes about women in science jobs. I don’t have any big ideas about my purpose (such as saving the world ect) but I do think that all engineering and research creates small steps in a direction that eventually benefits mankind.

    • Photo: Megan Maunder

      Megan Maunder answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      That a hard one. Honestly, right now, I don’t know. My PhD has shown me that I love talking too people about science on many different levels and I hope that this is something that I will continue to do.

    • Photo: Jesse Dykes

      Jesse Dykes answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I decided my purpose is to make the world a better place than when I came into it
