• Question: where you brought down because you are women

    Asked by anon-246500 to Megan, Katherine, Amelia on 16 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Megan Maunder

      Megan Maunder answered on 16 Mar 2020:

      I’m lucky to be surrounded by very supportive and encouraging colleagues and peers, and whilst since starting my PhD I’ve never experienced any outright sexism, we still have a long way to go to deal with gender equality across STEM.

    • Photo: Katherine Graves

      Katherine Graves answered on 19 Mar 2020:

      I personally have never felt that I’ve been brought down due to my gender, however i have worked with some people that have treated me differently. Luckily I don’t see them very often and I do call them out on it. There is a big imbalance in gender in STEM, which is something I would use the £500 to try and address, by going to schools and speaking to female students. I was inspired to study physics by a female nuclear physicist that gave a talk at my school, so I’d love to be able to encourage current students to choose a STEM subject!
