• Question: Who inspired you to become a scientist

    Asked by anon-246501 to Megan, Jesse, Dave on 12 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Jesse Dykes

      Jesse Dykes answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      Lots of sci-fi films and games with cool lasers in

    • Photo: Megan Maunder

      Megan Maunder answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      My family always encouraged me to ask questions and be curious, my grandfather in particular.

    • Photo: Dave Constable

      Dave Constable answered on 13 Mar 2020:

      I always liked sci-fi films and TV shows. I watched a lot of Star Trek when I was young, and I always thought the idea of travelling through space was cool. When I was in high school, my physics teacher was a real inspiration. She was really encouraging, and she seemed to know everything there was to know about physics and was always happy to answer questions I had. I wanted to know just as much as she did, so I decided to study physics at University.
