• Question: why should science be the best subject in school

    Asked by anon-246486 to Megan, Katherine, Jesse, Dave, AJ, Amelia on 12 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Jesse Dykes

      Jesse Dykes answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I don’t think it should to be honest. I think schools should have all subjects be just as good and important as each other. All subjects like art and history and science are very important for everyone to learn about, even if they might not choose it as their career

    • Photo: Megan Maunder

      Megan Maunder answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I don’t think it should. I can’t honestly say science was my favourite at school and we need people with lots of different skills and abilities to make society work. I think science is amazing and I would encourage everyone to get more involved and to ask lots of questions but that doesn’t mean it holds importance over everything else.

    • Photo: Arjuna James

      Arjuna James answered on 13 Mar 2020:

      It doesn’t have to be the best subject. I think what is important is to get rid of the idea that science isn’t cool or that all scientists are old people in lab coats. Science is for the youth, and we need young people from all backgrounds to be unafraid to enjoy learning about it at school.

    • Photo: Dave Constable

      Dave Constable answered on 13 Mar 2020:

      As the others have said, science shouldn’t be the best. All the subjects that are available to study at school should be as important as each other, as not everyone needs or wants to be a scientist.
